Saturday, November 4, 2017

E-Newsletter from State Representative Dennis Paul

House Select Committee - Texas Ports, Innovation & Infrastructure
On November 1st, my colleagues and I had the opportunity to tour the Enterprise Products facility along the Houston Ship Channel with the Port Houston Authority. The Port of Houston is among the leaders of energy exports for the United States and of various import products.
I am honored to serve on this committee that represents such an important role to the economy of our community.

TRS Care Seminar in HD 129

On Monday, October 30th, representatives with TRS Care were in Clear Lake at the NASA Hilton location to give updates on the changes for retirees in 2018. Both sessions of 300 seats were filled to capacity. If you were not able to make the session you can view the webinar at

Constitutional Amendment Summary

During the 85th Legislative Session earlier this year, over 150 joint resolutions to amend our Texas Constitution were proposed.  In order for any joint resolution to become an eligible proposition for the upcoming constitutional amendment election, the joint resolution must receive a super majority, or two-thirds of the vote in each chamber of the legislature.

That equates to 100 members in the Texas House and 21 members of the Texas Senate.  In all, seven joint resolutions were ultimately passed and have become propositions for the voters of Texas to ratify on the upcoming November 7th ballot.  To learn more click here.

Capitol Visitor Information

My staff and I welcome everyone to visit our office as well as the historic Capitol building.  If you are planning a trip to the Capitol be sure to stop by our office, Room E2.814.  Here are some helpful tips for your visit:

Office of State Representative Dennis Paul, 1400 Congress Ave, Austin, TX 78701
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Constant Contact

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