Friday, February 1, 2019

District 129 Newsletter

February 1, 2019
Elected to Policy Committee

This week I was elected by my peers to serve on the Texas House Republican Caucus Policy Committee. The Policy Committee meets throughout the legislative session to discuss legislation and make sound policy recommendations to members of the caucus. I look forward to working with my colleagues in this leadership capacity.
Property Tax Relief

Yesterday, Rep. Dustin Burrows introduced House Bill 2, which is the first step in the legislative process to accomplish meaningful reform of the property tax system in Texas.

During a press conference yesterday, House Speaker Dennis Bonnen said, "The House and Senate have taken the first step to accomplish meaningful property tax reform by filing legislation that will increase transparency in the property tax system, empower property owners to take a more active role in rate setting, and slow the growth of property tax rates."

Property tax reform is a top priority of mine this legislative session and I am glad to see the issue gaining traction so early in the session.
Distinguished Alumni

Last night my wife Eliza and I were both inducted into the Academy of Distinguished Alumni for the University of Houston’s Cullen College of Engineering's Civil and Environmental Engineering Department. It was quite an honor and especially great to be inducted the same night as Eliza. Congratulations to her on being the first woman to receive this honor! We are both proud to join such a distinguished list of members in the academy.
Community Meeting on Voting Centers

The community is invited to attend to learn about Countywide Voting Centers and to provide input and feedback. The meeting will be held Monday, February 4, from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. at the Leon Z. Grayson Community Center (13828 Corpus Christi Street, Cloverleaf, TX 77015).

The meeting is hosted by Harris County Commissioner Adrian Garcia and County Clerk Diane Trautman.
Overlay Scheduled for Pizzitola and Rhea Streets

Houston Public Works crews will be performing an asphalt overly along Pizzitola Street from Koenig Street to Debbielou Gardens Drive and on Rhea Street from the eastern dead end to Koenig Street.

Construction is scheduled to begin the week of February 11 and is expected to be completed by the end of March, weather permitting.
District 129's New Team Members

Rounding out our Capitol office team this session are interns Daniel Martin and Kelcie McKinley. Daniel is a junior economics major at the University of Texas at Austin. Kelcie has recently graduated with a degree in political science from Texas Tech University. We're glad to have Daniel and Kelcie on our team!
Tuesday was Engineer Day at the Capitol and I was excited to welcome engineers from across Texas to the Capitol and meet with them to hear their priorities for the legislative session.
How to Keep Track of Legislation

To keep track of my legislation, and the legislation of other members, you can visit the Texas Legislature Online by clicking this link:

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