Friday, February 15, 2019

District 129 Newsletter

Re-Elected Chairman of the Aerospace Legislative Caucus

On Wednesday I was re-elected as Chairman of the Aerospace Legislative Caucus. The caucus seeks to promote initiatives to secure Texas' standing as a global leader in space exploration, science, and security.

The Aerospace Legislative Caucus is comprised of a bi-partisan group of legislators from both the House of Representatives and the Senate. The caucus is represented by a chairman and vice chairman from each chamber. I am serving my third term as House Chairman.

There is a lot of excitement in Texas about the advancements in aerospace technology. I'm looking forward to working with my colleagues to harness that excitement and promote policies to maintain our state's status as a world leader in space exploration.
House Committees Begin Public Hearings

This session I am serving as the Vice Chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security & Public Safety and as a member of the House Committee on Insurance. Both of these committees held their first public hearings this week. These were organizational hearings during which we heard from the various state agencies the committees oversee. Committees will begin considering legislation next week.
Rep. Paul participates in the House Insurance Committee's organizational hearing.
Hearing On Flooding

The House Committee on Natural Resources held a very informative hearing this week on the many flooding issues affecting Texas. Although I am not a member of this committee, I felt it was important for me to attend the hearing because of this topic's importance to our community. Thank you to Chairman Lyle Larson for his work in this area and for allowing me to participate in the discussion.
Rep. Paul attends a hearing on flooding issues organized by the House Committee on Natural Resources.
UH Day at the Capitol

Tuesday was University of Houston Day at the Capitol. Hundreds of UH alumni, students, and supporters came to Austin to show their support for the University of Houston. Go Coogs!
Rep. Paul speaks with Tilman Fertitta, Chairman of the University of Houston System Board of Regents, and Renu Khator, University of Houston System Chancellor and President of the University of Houston, on UH Day at the Capitol.
Clear Lake Chamber at the Capitol
Senator Larry Taylor, Rep. Paul, Rep. Greg Bonnen, and Governor Greg Abbott meet with the Clear Lake Chamber of Commerce's Leadership Class.
How to Keep Track of Legislation

To keep track of my legislation, and the legislation of other members, you can visit the Texas Legislature Online by clicking this link:

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