Friday, March 1, 2019

District 129 Newsletter

Prioritizing Mental Health

Mental health care and treatment for the most vulnerable citizens in our communities is a critical issue facing our state. While House Bill 10 passed during the 85th Legislative Session to improve insurance access and coverage for mental healthcare, the Legislature has once again made additional improvements to mental health care a top priority for the 86th Session.

More than 200 counties across Texas are without a single child and adolescent psychiatrist. In response to this, legislators are working to expand access to care for patients and create incentives to encourage individuals to enter the mental health field. Lawmakers may consider proposals to address mental health treatment in Texas, including proposals to enhance peer support services, address shortages of psychiatric treatment beds, and expand community treatment options. Other proposals could include establishing a statewide mental health screening program using telemedicine to identify K-12 students with mental health issues and increasing access to licensed professional counselors.

On February 5, 2019, Governor Greg Abbott made mental health care an emergency item during his State of the State remarks to the Legislature. By making this issue an emergency item, the Legislature can pass legislation on the policy issue earlier than other bills.
Bipartisan Support for Rep. Paul's House Bill 302

On Wednesday, I presented House Bill 302, relating to the carrying, storage, or possession of a firearm or firearm ammunition by certain persons on certain residential or commercial property, to the committee on Homeland Security & Public Safety.

This common sense, bipartisan legislation has 59 total legislators signed on in support – the second most of any bill so far this session!
Rep. Paul lays out House Bill 302 in committee.
Space Day at the Capitol

Tuesday was Space Day at the Texas Capitol! As Chairman of the Aerospace Legislative Caucus and the State Representative from the NASA area, I was pleased to welcome NASA and the Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership to the Capitol.

NASA had numerous displays and activities throughout the Capitol on Tuesday, including an opportunity for people to meet and greet with two astronauts!
Rep. Paul and other legislators pictured with Bob Mitchell of the Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership at a Space Day reception at the Capitol.

Left to Right:

Rep. Greg Bonnen, Rep. Briscoe Cain, Rep. Dade Phelan, Rep. Paul, Sen. Carol Alvarado, Rep. Doc Anderson, Bob Mitchell, Sen. Larry Taylor.
Rep. Paul's Government Transparency Bill

Wednesday evening I presented House Bill 305, relating to the requirement that a state agency or political subdivision with authority to impose a tax post certain information on an Internet website, to the House Committee on State Affairs.

This bill would require local governments with a website to post certain contact and election information online so that citizens may more easily engage their elected officials.
Rep. Paul lays out HB 305 in committee.
A Look Ahead

A preview of next week's events.


I will lay out HB 303, which will allow the city of Houston to create a spaceport development corporation for the Houston Spaceport at Ellington Airport, in the House Committee on International Relations & Economic Development.


The Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership, the Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce, and the League City Regional Chamber of Commerce will be at the Capitol. I will recognize the groups with House Resolution No. 634 for their contributions to Bay Area Houston.


I will lay out HB 304, which will make pro-taxpayer reforms to municipal management districts, in the House Committee on Urban Affairs. The Harris County Republican Party has recently passed a resolution in support of this bill.
How to Keep Track of Legislation

To keep track of my legislation, and the legislation of other members, you can visit the Texas Legislature Online by clicking this link:

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