Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Early Voting is Here!

Dear Friend,

After months of hard work, Early Voting is here and Election Day is just around the corner. Today, February 18th, marks the first day that you can vote early in the Republican primary. Early voting will be available February 18 - February 28, and Election Day will be on March 3. Mark your calendars!

During Early Voting you can vote at any polling location. You can see a complete list of polling locations here. While you can vote anywhere, I hope that I will see you at one of the locations within or near HD129:

  • Freeman Branch Library - Large Meeting Room
16616 Diana Lane, Houston, TX 77062
  • San Jacinto College Central Campus - Automotive Bldg
8060 Spencer Highway, Pasadena, TX 77505
  • Harris County Scarsdale Annex - Room D
10851 Scarsdale Blvd., Houston, TX 77089

If you have some time to spare, I would love to have your help at the polls! If you're interested in volunteering, please reply to this email or contact the campaign at paulforhd129@gmail.com. Here are some of my favorite volunteers while they were out talking to voters last week-
If you aren't able to volunteer, encouraging your friends and family to get out and vote for myself and the many other wonderful candidates on the ballot, would really go along way to help.

Thank you for all of your help this campaign season, and I look forward to Keeping Texas Red with you in November!

God Bless,

Pol. Ad. Paid for by the Dennis Paul Campaign.

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