Sunday, February 11, 2018

E-Newsletter from State Representative Dennis Paul

A Storm to Remember - Hurricane Harvey and
the Texas Economy

(AUSTIN) - In this special edition of Fiscal Notes, released today, the Comptroller's office examines the effect of Hurricane Harvey on the Texas economy through data modeling. Our analysis takes a wide-ranging view of the net consequences of the storm, using a dynamic input-output model to measure the storm's economic impacts.
Harvey's total costs have been estimated at about $125 billion, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. As of Nov. 30, 2017, the Texas Division of Emergency Management estimated Harvey had damaged or destroyed more than 178,000 Texas homes and inflicted about $670 million in damage to public property such as government buildings, roads, bridges, water facilities and electric utilities. The storm also caused more than $200 million in Texas crop and livestock losses, and flooding may have ruined more than 250,000 vehicles.
To read more click here.

TASA Provides School Finance Commission Meeting Coverage

The Texas Commission on Public School Finance meets on School Finance Trends and Incentives.  The Texas Commission on Public School Finance held its second meeting Thursday, February 8, at the TEA building in Austin.

The meeting began with Justice Scott Brister, who chairs the commission, stating that working groups will be established to look at issues such as expenditures and outcomes.  He noted the full commission will meet again February 22March 7, and March 19.  Public testimony will be held at the March 19 meeting.

Thursdays meeting was a continuation of the discussion at the first meeting and can be viewed at

Texas Commissioner of Education Morath provided information showing district performance and funding based on district types and demographics and said he would never say that money doesn't matter but that other factors are important from a statistical standpoint.  He also pointed out that the information he provided was only funding that flows to school districts. There was discussion about looking more deeply into how school districts distribute money to campuses and how that correlates to student performance.

Commission member Doug Killian, superintendent, Pflugerville ISD, pointed out that not all poverty is the same; he said he would like TEA to take a deeper look to see what those trend lines can tell the commission.  He also reminded the group that small and rural districts have higher costs that are beyond their control.

Leo Lopez with TEA provided an overview of how schools in Texas are funded.  There was a somewhat lively discussion around whether recapture should be included in the state's share of funding public schools or in the local share.  Lopez noted that if the state includes recapture, it's share goes to 42 percent from 38 percent.  He also noted that the Legislative Budget Board includes recapture in the local share for funding. Rep. Ken King emphasized the importance of the commission to understand who is paying recapture and why.  The commission heard presentations from several groups on school finance trends. 

To learn more about TASA click here.

Ron Carter Clear Lake Achievers Scholarship

Ron Carter Cadillac wishes to recognize the hard work and dedication of college bound Greater Clear Lake Area High School seniors. Ron Carter Clear Lake is proud to continue the Ron Carter Clear Lake Community Achievers Scholarship. The Scholarship has been awarded to outstanding area High School seniors since 2012. Recipients will be chosen based on academic achievement, character, leadership, service, and adult recommendations.

Beginning in March, Ron Carter Clear Lake will be awarding five (5) College Scholarships in the amount of $1,000 to deserving applicants. One outstanding recipient will be selected for each month starting in March and ending in July. This scholarship is open to high school seniors in the Greater Clear Lake Area and surrounding areas that reside in Clear Creek ISD, Alvin ISD, Deer Park ISD, Pasadena ISD, Dickinson ISD, LaPorte ISD, Pearland ISD and Friendswood ISD. Applicants may be students of public, parochial or home schools.

For more information click here

Legislative & District Events

Representative Paul has the great pleasure of attending events throughout the district and state where he continues to meet new people and learn about what makes House District 129 so special to Texas.

Rep. Paul was invited to give the invocation on Thursday, February 8th at the Texas Public Policy Foundation Policy Orientation. 
He chose Isaiah 41:10 "Fear thou not; for I am with thee; be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."


Rep. & Mrs. Paul recently attended the Bay Area Republican Women Lincoln Reagan Day dinner where they had the great pleasure to visit with Lt. Col. Allen West.  Lt. Col. West gave a speech on liberty and tyranny and citizens being united as a team.  Rep. Paul also had the great honor to lead everyone in the pledge to the United States of America. 









Rep. Paul and District Director Dawn McDonald attended many panels of discussion at the annual TPPF policy orientation this week in Austin. 

Capitol Visitor Information

My staff and I welcome everyone to visit our office as well as the historic Capitol building.  If you are planning a trip to the Capitol be sure to stop by our office, Room E2.814.  Here are some helpful tips for your visit:

Office of State Representative Dennis Paul, 1400 Congress Ave, Austin, TX 78701
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Constant Contact

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