Friday, March 15, 2019

District 129 Newsletter

Public Education Committee Considers HB 3

This week the House Committee on Public Education took 12 hours of public testimony on House Bill 3, the Texas Plan to reform our school finance system. As I mentioned in last week's newsletter, I am a proud co-author of this legislation to fundamentally transform school finance in Texas. To learn more about the Texas Plan, visit

What State Leaders Are Saying

"Texas PTA is excited to support House Bill 3. This legislation reinvests in Texas students -- increasing the Basic Allotment significantly, sending additional funding to schools with high concentrations of underserved students to help schools address the needs of those students. It also funds full-day pre-kindergarten for students who are economically disadvantaged." (Texas Parent Teacher Association)

"House Bill 3 is a thoughtful and thorough piece of legislation and will serve all kids in Texas well. The Greater Houston Partnership applauds House Speaker Dennis Bonnen, House Public Education Committee Chairman Dan Huberty and the Texas House for putting forth legislation that will overhaul the Texas public school finance system, better serve our kids and reduce the burden of recapture on our local school districts. This issue has been left unaddressed for far too long. The time is now to pass meaningful reform and the Houston business community looks forward to continuing our work with the Legislature on this issue." (Bob Harvey, President, Greater Houston Partnership)

"The Texas Association of Business applauds Chairman Dan Huberty for filing House Bill 3, a thorough school finance bill that reforms the school finance system to optimize student outcomes. HB 3 smartly reduces property taxes through compression of school district tax rates while increasing the state’s share of school funding. HB 3 also makes strategic investments in early childhood education and teacher pay that will enhance student achievement. HB 3’s investments will also help Texas employers by preparing our future workforce. TAB looks forward to working with Chairman Huberty and other key leaders as the bill advances through the legislative process." (Jeff Moseley, President & CEO, Texas Association of Business)

“The Texas Taxpayers and Research Association applauds House Public Education Committee Chairman Dan Huberty for filing House Bill 3, a comprehensive school finance bill that makes needed changes to our current school funding formulas that will provide resources to school districts to increase student achievement… TTARA looks forward to working with Chairman Huberty and other members of the Legislature as the bill moves through the process.” (Dale Craymer, President, Texas Taxpayers and Research Association)

"TASB strongly supports Chairman Dan Huberty’s efforts to invest more resources in our students while maintaining the flexibility for local school districts to direct those resources to the kids who need them most. The infusion of $9 billion of new funds into our public schools for the direct benefit of Texas students is unprecedented, recognizes the state’s lagging support over the past decade, and underscores the state’s investment in the future… None of this would be possible without the support of Speaker Dennis Bonnen and his willingness to listen to the needs of our very diverse and unique school districts across the state." (Dax Gonzalez, Spokesperson, Texas Association of School Boards)
Spaceport Bill Passes Committee

My House Bill 303, which would allow Houston to create a Spaceport Development Corporation, was voted unanimously out of the Committee on International Relations & Economic Development on Monday. The bill will now head to the Committee on Calendars to be scheduled for debate on the House floor. Senator Larry Taylor is carrying identical legislation in the Texas Senate.
Aerospace Caucus Tour to Firefly Aerospace

This past Saturday, members of the Aerospace Legislative Caucus attended a live test of a Reaver rocket at Firefly Aerospace's test site in Briggs. Based in Cedar Park, Firefly is on track to deliver a U.S. solution for the 1,000 to 4,000 kg payload class to low Earth orbit by 2019 for a starting price of $15M.
Representatives Doc Anderson, Dennis Paul, and Briscoe Cain.
Overlay Scheduled for Gemini Avenue

Houston City Council Member Dave Martin has announced Houston Public Works crews will be performing an asphalt overlay along Gemini Avenue from El Camino Real to Reseda Drive. Construction is scheduled to begin the week of March 25, 2019 and is expected to be complete by the end of June 2019, weather permitting. 

The project will start in the 1000 block of Gemini Avenue and progress towards Reseda Drive. The scope of work includes resurfacing the asphalt street. This process includes milling off an approximate 2 inch layer of old asphalt, repairing the base as needed, spraying tack coat and overlaying 2 inches of new asphalt surface pavement. Crew staging activities are anticipated to occur between 7:30 a.m. and 6 p.m., with work occurring between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. 

As a result of the construction activities, please be aware of flagmen and orange traffic cones that will be put in place on site to help with traffic flow through the construction zone as temporary lane closures are expected. One lane will be open in each direction during peak traffic hours. Residents and businesses may experience temporary delays accessing Gemini Avenue, as well as individual driveways, and may experience an increase in noise levels because of trucks and equipment. 

For more information, please contact Council Member Dave Martin's office at (832) 393-3008 or
Simon Urbanic's 75th Birthday

It was my honor this week to pass House Resolution No. 683 congratulating Simon Urbanic of League City on his 75th birthday. I have known Simon for several years and was glad to welcome him to the House of Representatives to mark the special occasion.
Simon Urbanic and his wife, Pamela, with Rep. Dennis Paul
Commodore Chuck Maricle

This week I welcomed Commodore Chuck Maricle and his son to the Capitol for a visit during Spring Break. It is always a pleasure to have constituents at the Capitol.
A Look Ahead

A preview of next week's events.


The House of Representatives convenes at 3:00 p.m.


The House Committee on Insurance meets at 8:00 a.m. I will present my HB 1982, relating to the operation of the Texas Property and Casualty Insurance Guaranty Association, to the committee.

The House of Representatives convenes at 10:00 a.m.


The House Committee on Homeland Security & Public Safety meets at 8:00 a.m. I will present my HB 2320, relating to services provided during and following a disaster, to the committee.

The House of Representatives convenes at 10:00 a.m.

My internet transparency bill, HB 305, which will require local governments to post their contact and election information on their websites, will be debated by the full House of Representatives for passage to the Senate.


The House of Representatives convenes at 10:00 a.m.
How to Keep Track of Legislation

To keep track of my legislation, and the legislation of other members, you can visit the Texas Legislature Online by clicking this link:
Keep In Touch

It is important for me as your State Representative to hear from you on the issues that matter. I hope you find this contact information useful.
Capitol Office

(512) 463-0734

1100 Congress Avenue
Suite GN.10
Austin, TX 78701

Post Office Box 2910
AUstin, TX 78768
District Office

(281) 488-8900

17225 El Camino Real
Suite 415
Houston, TX 77058

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