Friday, March 22, 2019

District 129 Newsletter

Deer Park Fire Update

Be sure to check the Harris County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management's Ready Harris website for the latest updates on the Deer Park fire:
First Bills Pass Texas House

This week the Texas House of Representatives considered its first two calendars of the session. A calendar is a list of bills scheduled for debate on the House floor. These first two calendars had only a few bills on them each, but as session progresses, the calendars will become increasingly lengthy.
Internet Transparency Bill Passes House

Yesterday the Texas House of Representatives unanimously passed my bill to bring online transparency to local governments. HB 305 will require local governments to post important contact and election information on their websites, as well as notices and minutes of their meetings.

I am grateful to my colleagues for helping me make HB 305 one of the very first bills passed by the House this session.
Hurricane Harvey Bill Heard in Committee

On Wednesday I presented HB 2320 to the House Committee on Homeland Security & Public Safety. This bill is a compilation of four recommendations from the post-Hurricane Harvey report issued by the Governor's Commission to Rebuild Texas.
Animal Shelter Transparency Bill Heard in Committee

Earlier this week I presented HB 3092 to the House Committee on Public Health. This bill would require animal shelters to notify adoptees of shelter animals if there was a recent outbreak of an infectious disease at the shelter. Currently, adoptees may not be made aware of a recent outbreak, which raises serious health and safety concerns for these animals.
Houston Hurricane Harvey Recovery Funds

From the Mayor's Office:

Did you know that the City of Houston has recovery programs for homeowners whose homes were damaged during Hurricane Harvey? Learn about reimbursement and support options by calling 832-393-0550, or go to
B.O.P.A. and Electronic Recycling Event Scheduled for Ellington Airport/Clear Lake Recycling Center
Houston City Council Member Dave Martin and the City of Houston are hosting a Batteries, Oil, Paint (latex only) and Antifreeze (B.O.P.A.) mobile collection event on Saturday, March 30, 2019, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., at the Ellington Airport Neighborhood Recycling Center, 246 Loop Road, Houston, Texas 77034. This year's event will also include electronic recycling. A valid Texas driver's license or other proof of residency will be required. This is a rain or shine event, except in the case of severe weather. Business waste will not be accepted. 

Many common household materials are considered hazardous and need disposal. When Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) is disposed in the trash, it can contaminate landfills and subsequently ground water. This event provides a free and safe alternative for residents to rid their homes of potentially dangerous materials. Below is a list of acceptable and non-acceptable items for the March 30th collection event:

  • ACCEPTED ITEMS: rechargeable household and automobile batteries, motor oil and filters, LATEX paint, antifreeze, small appliances and scrap metal. Used motor oil will be limited to 15 gallon. All liquids are required to be in sealed, non-leaking containers that are labeled as to their contents. Accepted electronics include computers, monitors, keyboards,cell phones, microwaves, VCR's, and televisions.

  • ITEMS NOT ACCEPTED: business, medical and agricultural waste; oil-based paints, solvents, flammables, pesticides, herbicides and other similar hazardous materials, and electronic waste.

The Ellington Airport Neighborhood Recycling Center site is open year-round and accepts a variety of items. The items accepted are newspapers, magazines, telephone books, catalogs, ad inserts, cardboard, glass bottles and jars, aluminum cans, tin cans, aerosol cans, steel cans and plastics #1-5 and #7. 

For more information about the City of Houston Solid Waste Management Department and its services, residents may check online at, like the department on Facebook at, follow SWMD on Twitter @houstontrash or call 3-1-1 (713-837-0311), the City of Houston's Customer Service Hotline.
For more information, please contact Council Member Martin's office at (832) 393-3008 or via email at
A Look Ahead

A preview of next week's legislative events at the Capitol.


The House of Representatives convenes at 10:00 a.m. to consider a calendar.


The House Committee on Insurance, of which I am a member, meets at 8:00 a.m.

The House of Representatives convenes at 10:00 a.m. to consider a calendar.


The House of Representatives convenes at 10:00 a.m. to consider a calendar and House Bill 1, the General Appropriations Bill. The General Appropriations Bill is the two-year budget for the State of Texas and is the only piece of legislation the legislature is required to pass each session.


The House of Representatives convenes at 10:00 a.m.
How to Keep Track of Legislation

To keep track of my legislation, and the legislation of other members, you can visit the Texas Legislature Online by clicking this link:
Keep In Touch

It is important for me as your State Representative to hear from you on the issues that matter. I hope you find this contact information useful.
Capitol Office

(512) 463-0734

1100 Congress Avenue
Suite GN.10
Austin, TX 78701

Post Office Box 2910
AUstin, TX 78768
District Office

(281) 488-8900

17225 El Camino Real
Suite 415
Houston, TX 77058

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