Friday, March 29, 2019

District 129 Newsletter

Texas House Passes Preliminary Budget

After nearly 12 hours of productive debate Wednesday, the Texas House passed our version of the state's biennial budget budget in the wee hours of Thursday morning. I'm proud to have voted for House Bill 1, which takes a principled, fiscally responsible approach to funding priorities including school finance, school safety, mental health, and more.

At the end of the day, we made unprecedented investments to reform school finance, provide property tax relief, and fund Hurricane Harvey efforts, all while staying below the constitutional spending limit and the growth of population-plus-inflation. The budget funds our state's highest priorities while remaining responsible stewards of taxpayer dollars.
Texas House Passes Supplemental Appropriations Bill

I'm proud to have voted for Senate Bill 500, the state's supplemental budget bill. We funded a 13th check for retired teachers, devoted $2.7B for Hurricane Harvey recovery, and made significant investments in women's healthcare and school safety.

  • Our state's retired teachers deserve a solvent, sustainable pension system that will also benefit the next generation of educators.

  • The bill also devotes $2.7 billion to assist Texans with Hurricane Harvey recovery. The funding will address reduced property values, hazard mitigation, trauma capacity, and other public assistance projects.

  • The bill makes tremendous investments in women's healthcare through the Healthy Texas Women program.
Municipal Management Reform Bill Passes Committee

My House Bill 304, which will reform the way municipal management districts operate, passed out of the House Committee on Urban Affairs this week. The next step in the process is for the House Committee on Calendars to schedule the bill for floor debate.
Deer Park & La Porte Chambers at the Capitol

I had the pleasure to help welcome the Deer Park and La Porte Chambers of Commerce to the Capitol this week!
Realtor Day at the Capitol

Tuesday was Texas Realtors Day at the Capitol. I was glad to visit with Realtors from our area about the important work they are doing in our communities.
Gavel Presentation

I was honored to be presented with this gavel by Speaker Dennis Bonnen. The plaque on the gavel recognizes my service this session as the Vice Chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security & Public Safety.
A Look Ahead

A preview of next week's legislative events at the Capitol. A calendar is a list of bills that will be considered by the House of Representatives.


The House of Representatives convenes at 10:00 a.m. to consider a calendar. My bill to help develop Houston's spaceport at Ellington Airport, HB 303, will be debated and voted on on the House floor.


The House Committee on Insurance, of which I am a member, meets at 8:00 a.m. I will present two bills to the committee for consideration.

I will present my HB 3477 to the House Committee on Land & Resource Management.

The House of Representatives convenes at 10:00 a.m. to consider a calendar.


The House Committee on Homeland Security & Public Safety, on which I serve as Vice Chairman, meets at 8:00 a.m.

The House of Representatives convenes at 10:00 a.m. to consider a calendar and House Bill 3, The Texas Plan to reform the school finance system.


The House of Representatives convenes at 10:00 a.m. to consider a calendar.


The House of Representatives convenes at 10:00 a.m. for Speaker's Reunion Day. This longstanding tradition of the Texas House is a chance for former members to visit the Capitol and catch up with former colleagues and fresh faces alike.

The House Committees on Environmental Regulation and Homeland Security & Public Safety will meet for a joint hearing regarding the ITC fire in Deer Park.
How to Keep Track of Legislation

To keep track of my legislation, and the legislation of other members, you can visit the Texas Legislature Online by clicking this link:
Keep In Touch

It is important for me as your State Representative to hear from you on the issues that matter. I hope you find this contact information useful.
Capitol Office

(512) 463-0734

1100 Congress Avenue
Suite GN.10
Austin, TX 78701

Post Office Box 2910
AUstin, TX 78768
District Office

(281) 488-8900

17225 El Camino Real
Suite 415
Houston, TX 77058

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